Sunday, May 20, 2007

No more teachers, no more books....

School is out for summer!! Colby and Kaitlyn had a graduation ceremony on Friday that was really cute. After that, we had a very busy weekend. Check out the new pictures of Kyle's last soccer game and also his first basketball game. They won soccer 11-6,but basketball was a loss at 16-12. On the UP side, all twelve points were scored by Kyle!! I only caught the end of Colby's tball game but I was in time to see him hit a home run!! Not much else to write right now...we are all beat from this weekend's activities! Talk to you soon!!

Love, Carolyn

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Serious Swimmer

For those who did not believe me, I got a photo of our very serious swimmer. How can you not love that suit? Kaitlyn broke it to me tonight that she would like to quit gymnastics and join the swim team. May be too late for her to get in this summer, but we did make a request with the board of we will see.
Kyle made the Advanced Soccer team! I am more excited than he is, but he will get better coaching, more practice and a couple of tournaments to play in. Also, this league lasts until Spring of next year!
We have a busy weekend ahead with Colby's last Tball game, Kyle's last soccer game (for this season), swim practice, Kyle's first basketball game, Tball end of season party and soccer end of season party. Kevin and I will have to divide and conquer to make all that happen.
I have officially started my photography class as of today. It is an online class, but looks really interesting and - as you may have noticed - I really enjoy taking pictures.
I have added a couple of links to the blog. One is Kyle's upcoming Basketball game schedule. The other is the Swim Team site, showing when Colby's meets will be. Hey mom, put Kyle's new schedule in that PDA!
Talk to everyone real soon!
Love, C

Monday, May 14, 2007

Let's get this Blog started!

These days we spend a good bit of time at the ball parks. Colby is playing TBall and even made the Allstar team. Three times a week, we all hit the community center pool for Colby's swim team practice. Yes, really, swim team practice. Kyle is playing soccer and their team is undefeated. Last night he tried out for the advanced soccer team and did really well, so I'm hoping he makes it. Kyle has also started basketball practice. He is playing for the Magic. His first game is this weekend. I will let you know how that goes. Carson will be old enough to play soccer in the Fall and I am REALLY looking forward to that! He is our 'little guy', but he surely doesn't think so! Kaitlyn is still doing gymnastics - indoors, so as not to get too sweaty.
This is also our last week of school. The kids are excited about that and looking forward to having summer camp with my mom and dad! Our summer vacation is FOURTEEN weeks! This is because next year we are starting almost a month later - August 24. Next year Kyle will be in third grade, Kaitlyn and Colby in first and Carson will start pre-kindergarten.
I'm still figuring out this whole blogging thing, but stay posted for updates! I think I'm going to enjoy doing this!
Talk to you soon!

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