Monday, August 27, 2007

The Rest of the Summer...

So much for my empty promises, I know... A lot has happened since my July 4th posting! Carson turned four and he now cruises the neighborhood in his new wheels... That is him riding around with his cousin Christina. My brother, James, brought Christina and Cody to Florida for a summer vacation. We had a great time visiting with them!!

Right after their visit, Kevin and I went down to the Key's with some friends for a week. We were after Florida lobster in the mini-season! Now, I won't go as far as to say the lobster actually laughed at us, but they certainly weren't too threatened by our prowess. I'm not speaking for everyone that went with us though, some guys in our group really were skilled in digging into the holes in the ocean floor to bring some dinner home!

Meanwhile, mom and dad got the boys fishing this sumer and Colby is especially hooked - no pun intented. Kyle caught about an 8 lb catfish and they each caught a bunch of sunfish and even a snapping turtle! Oh, and one fish scored a really nice barbie fishing pole by pulling it right out of Kaitlyn's hands! No worries though, she is certain that he went to the fish doctor to have it removed. Fishing was one of the kids favorite summer activities with grandma and grandpa, but nothing was more cherished than the weekly trips to the matinee at the dog track though! Should I be worried that Kyle knows how to bet a box quinella?

Alas, the summer had to come to and end last week and Kyle, Kaitlyn and Colby returned to school. Everyone seems to like it so far! Even Carson has started Florida's Pre-K program at his daycare. Look at this crew on their first day of school!

We did have one last hoorah this past weekend, celebrating Kaitlyn and Colby's 6th birthday! Friday night the girls went for Hannah Montana make overs at Libby Lu's while the boys went to Dave and Busters for lots of fun and video games. Friends and family came over on Sunday and we had a great time in the pool, playing basketball and riding bikes. Never let it be said that the McCrone birthday parties will have PONY rides!!
We have one last big event of the summer and that is Uncle Mark's wedding this weekend! He and Cheech are getting married in Sarasota and we are all very excited. Kyle is in the wedding so expect a picture of him in his first tuxedo!
Then it will be time to settle into our normal routine of school, homework, soccer practices for Kyle, Colby AND Carson and games on Saturday! Yes, Kaitlyn is still 'just watching everyone", but she did mention tball the other day...we'll see.
I think that about catches everyone up on what is going on with us...should I even dare to say it??? Yeah, I will talk to you soon!
Love, C